Dit weekend stond toch wel een beetje in het teken van het International Film Festival Rotterdam, dat volgende week in alle hevigheid zal losbarsten. Dit is nu het derde achtereenvolgende jaar dat ik er heen ga, maar pas dit jaar leek het ons ook leuk vantevoren uit te vogelen welke films we precies wilden zien. Natuurlijk hadden we een evenwichtige selectie gemaakt van films (vanalles wat, dus niet alleen maar onbegrijpelijke Japanse cyberhorror of Amerikaanse arthouse), maar het reserveren bleek uiteindelijk een grotere opgave dan vantevoren gedacht!
Ik denk dat ik zaterdag tussen 2 uur 's middags en 9 uur 's avonds wel 10 belsessies van 20 minuten heb gehouden. Elk telefoontje werd be?indigd door een nare 'in gesprek'-toon. Toen ik het even niet meer zag zitten, kwam iemand op een idee. Een vriendin van iemand bleek bij de telefoonbalie van het IFFR te werken. Viavia kwamen mijn reservoorkeuren bij haar terecht, zodat zij me kon opgeven voor de films die we wilden zien. Helaas luisterde het meisje haar voicemail pas af na 21 uur en kon ze me vandaag pas helpen. Wel had ze het spijtige nieuws dat twee van onze eerste voorkeuren: Elephant en The Silence Between Two Thoughts al volzaten.
Zondag ging het gelukkig veel voorspoediger. In plaats van de nare 'in gesprek'-toon werd ik nu getracteerd op het standaard "al onze medewerkers zijn op dit moment in gesprek. een momentje geduld alstublieft". Het momentje duurde uiteindelijk een kwartier, wat me eigenlijk wel mee viel. De uiteindelijke score:
zaterdag 24-1:
15:00 - Los Guantes M?gicos - Argentijnse film over het verval van de middenklasse.
18:00 - Frantz Fanon: Black Skin White Mask - Documentaire over Frantz Fanon, psychiator in Algerije ten tijde van de onafhankelijkheidsoorlog.
20:00 - Deadlines - Thriller over oorlogsverslaggever, gesitueerd in het Beiroeit van 1983.
22:45 - Los Rubios - Argentijnse film over vrouw die tracht uit te vinden wie haar ouders, door de junta om het leven gebracht, waren.
Ik denk dat ik zaterdag tussen 2 uur 's middags en 9 uur 's avonds wel 10 belsessies van 20 minuten heb gehouden. Elk telefoontje werd be?indigd door een nare 'in gesprek'-toon. Toen ik het even niet meer zag zitten, kwam iemand op een idee. Een vriendin van iemand bleek bij de telefoonbalie van het IFFR te werken. Viavia kwamen mijn reservoorkeuren bij haar terecht, zodat zij me kon opgeven voor de films die we wilden zien. Helaas luisterde het meisje haar voicemail pas af na 21 uur en kon ze me vandaag pas helpen. Wel had ze het spijtige nieuws dat twee van onze eerste voorkeuren: Elephant en The Silence Between Two Thoughts al volzaten.
Zondag ging het gelukkig veel voorspoediger. In plaats van de nare 'in gesprek'-toon werd ik nu getracteerd op het standaard "al onze medewerkers zijn op dit moment in gesprek. een momentje geduld alstublieft". Het momentje duurde uiteindelijk een kwartier, wat me eigenlijk wel mee viel. De uiteindelijke score:
zaterdag 24-1:
15:00 - Los Guantes M?gicos - Argentijnse film over het verval van de middenklasse.
18:00 - Frantz Fanon: Black Skin White Mask - Documentaire over Frantz Fanon, psychiator in Algerije ten tijde van de onafhankelijkheidsoorlog.
20:00 - Deadlines - Thriller over oorlogsverslaggever, gesitueerd in het Beiroeit van 1983.
22:45 - Los Rubios - Argentijnse film over vrouw die tracht uit te vinden wie haar ouders, door de junta om het leven gebracht, waren.
Ziek zijn is helemaal zo verkeerd nog niet. Zeker niet zolang je nog in staat bent achter de computer te kruipen en zo af en toe een CD op te zetten. Een avondje thuis is op zijn tijd heerlijk ontspannend, zeker als je er aan toe komt meer dan één enkele CD achter elkaar te draaien. De score van vanavond:
Pink Floyd - Atom Heart Mother
Out Hud - Street Dad
Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures
Mogwai - Come On Die Young
Coparck - Birds, happiness & Still Not Worried
Stereolab - Dots And Loops
(in chronologische volgorde)
Pink Floyd - Atom Heart Mother
Out Hud - Street Dad
Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures
Mogwai - Come On Die Young
Coparck - Birds, happiness & Still Not Worried
Stereolab - Dots And Loops
(in chronologische volgorde)
Bereken hier je astrologische kaart: Astrolabe.
Name: Herman Nijhuis
November 11 1978
0:50 AM Time Zone is CET
Leiderdorp, NETH
Rising Sign is in 03 Degrees Virgo
You tend to be very shy and not very self-assertive. You are supercritical about how you appear to others. Even though you may think you are uninteresting and dull, you are actually quite soft- spoken, orderly, neat and very likable. You are a perfectionist with high standards, and at times you can be quite tactless in pointing out the faults of others. Very practical, efficient and purposeful, your appearance and bearing reflect your need to appear graceful, sensible and reserved. You have a crisp, no-nonsense approach to dealing with others. Never lazy or self-indulgent, you tend to be dedicated to the work ethic.
Sun is in 18 Degrees Scorpio.
Intense and complex by nature, you have extremely strong emotional reactions to most situations. Feelings are often very difficult for you to verbalize. Therefore you have a tendency to be very quiet - - to brood and think a lot. You seldom get overtly angry, but, when you do, you are furious and unforgiving. When you make an emotional commitment, it is total -- you are not attracted to superficial or casual relationships. If you are challenged, you take it as a personal affront and tend to lash out and fight back in a vengeful manner. You love mysteries and the supernatural. A good detective, you love getting to the roots of problems and you enjoy finding out what makes other people tick. You are known to be very willful, very powerful and quite tenacious!
Moon is in 00 Degrees Aries.
High-spirited and courageous, you are a fighter when your emotions are aroused. The degree of force and drive that you can bring to any effort sometimes surprises others. You have hair-trigger reactions to specific stimuli and tend to "let it all hang out." You sometimes act before you think and do things on the spur of the moment, and that sometimes gets you into trouble. Your moods change quickly -- you have quite a temper, but you don't hold grudges. Very independent, with an extremely strong and forceful personality, you are known for being impulsive, careless, reckless, foolhardy, rash and daring.
Mercury is in 10 Degrees Sagittarius.
Your mind is very curious and inquisitive, always seeking information on a wide variety of topics. The broader the subject matter (philosophy, science, religion, metaphysics), the more it will appeal to you. You prefer to deal with abstractions -- the small but important details associated with any subject tend to slip your grasp. You are known for being blunt, honest and truthful.
Venus is in 13 Degrees Scorpio.
Your feelings about others are deep, powerful, intense and complex. When you like someone, you do so totally and obsessively if you do not like someone, they do not exist. Your faithfulness and loyalty to your lover is unquestioned, indeed at times it is too much so -- you get so possessive that you almost smother your partner. At times, your feelings are kept deep within you and, because they are so complex and intense, they frighten you -- this is the way that you try to ignore them. But the more you try to do this, the more explosive things get when you eventually do express them.
Mars is in 06 Degrees Sagittarius.
Your every action is motivated by high moral standards and ideals. You will work very hard to improve the lot of the world at large, but you demand action about it -- you do not like to just sit around and talk about doing it in an abstract manner. You like to be where the real action is. You resist mightily any attempts to limit your freedom and you will assist anyone who feels put down and restricted. You are extremely restless by nature -- physical exercise is very important to you if you would maintain your health.
Jupiter is in 08 Degrees Leo.
You must be proud of all that you do in order to grow and develop. You enjoy being totally honest and aboveboard and you revel in the admiration and respect you receive from others due to your high- minded, upright way of life. Make sure, though, that your natural tendency to boast and show off is based on your actual accomplishments. Don't fall prey to self-exaggeration or arrogance. You truly do like outrageous spectacles and grand jolly times and will go out of your way to make them a reality.
Saturn is in 12 Degrees Virgo.
Your life must be orderly and practical and full of known and familiar routines in order for you to feel comfortable with yourself. Be careful, however, not to let "order" become the be-all and end-all of your life, or you may become cold, crass and unfeeling. Doing useful, practical things boosts your self- esteem. Abstract concepts and reasoning seem frivolous and a waste of time to you. You are very critical of yourself (and others), indeed at times quite self-deprecating. Try to relax a bit and allow yourself the freedom to fail once in a while. However, you probably won't fail very often because you are such a perfectionist.
Uranus is in 16 Degrees Scorpio.
You, and your peer group, demand to confront life at its deepest and most meaningful levels. Very compulsive and obsessive in your approach to everything, you will avoid anything that is casual or superficial, especially when it comes to relationships. You will seek out and explore new methods of healing as well as different ways to deal with deep-seated emotional problems.
Neptune is in 16 Degrees Sagittarius.
You, and your entire generation, are heavily involved in investigating and idealizing foreign and exotic intellectual systems and religious philosophies. The most extreme ideals will be pursued with gusto. You will be at the forefront of humanitarian attempts to improve the lot of those who are in need of assistance. You will be comfortable with the concept of the "global village."
Pluto is in 17 Degrees Libra.
For your entire generation, this is a time of radical changes in society's attitude toward marriage and interpersonal relationships. There is a general fear and awe at the power inherent in making emotional or contractual commitments -- they will not be entered into lightly.
N. Node is in 25 Degrees Virgo.
You're usually quite at ease in leaving leadership roles in the hands of others. You would rather tend to the thousand and one details that need to be accomplished to keep any group going. Although you're very fussy and high-minded when it comes to choosing your associates, once your loyalty is given you can be trusted with many of the practical aspects of any project that is being undertaken. Usually quite unselfish, you will toil long hours in the service of any worthy cause that demands your attention. But be careful that your perfectionist tendencies don't get in the way of making real progress. (In other words, don't waste your time dusting clean shelves!)
Name: Herman Nijhuis
November 11 1978
0:50 AM Time Zone is CET
Leiderdorp, NETH
Rising Sign is in 03 Degrees Virgo
You tend to be very shy and not very self-assertive. You are supercritical about how you appear to others. Even though you may think you are uninteresting and dull, you are actually quite soft- spoken, orderly, neat and very likable. You are a perfectionist with high standards, and at times you can be quite tactless in pointing out the faults of others. Very practical, efficient and purposeful, your appearance and bearing reflect your need to appear graceful, sensible and reserved. You have a crisp, no-nonsense approach to dealing with others. Never lazy or self-indulgent, you tend to be dedicated to the work ethic.
Sun is in 18 Degrees Scorpio.
Intense and complex by nature, you have extremely strong emotional reactions to most situations. Feelings are often very difficult for you to verbalize. Therefore you have a tendency to be very quiet - - to brood and think a lot. You seldom get overtly angry, but, when you do, you are furious and unforgiving. When you make an emotional commitment, it is total -- you are not attracted to superficial or casual relationships. If you are challenged, you take it as a personal affront and tend to lash out and fight back in a vengeful manner. You love mysteries and the supernatural. A good detective, you love getting to the roots of problems and you enjoy finding out what makes other people tick. You are known to be very willful, very powerful and quite tenacious!
Moon is in 00 Degrees Aries.
High-spirited and courageous, you are a fighter when your emotions are aroused. The degree of force and drive that you can bring to any effort sometimes surprises others. You have hair-trigger reactions to specific stimuli and tend to "let it all hang out." You sometimes act before you think and do things on the spur of the moment, and that sometimes gets you into trouble. Your moods change quickly -- you have quite a temper, but you don't hold grudges. Very independent, with an extremely strong and forceful personality, you are known for being impulsive, careless, reckless, foolhardy, rash and daring.
Mercury is in 10 Degrees Sagittarius.
Your mind is very curious and inquisitive, always seeking information on a wide variety of topics. The broader the subject matter (philosophy, science, religion, metaphysics), the more it will appeal to you. You prefer to deal with abstractions -- the small but important details associated with any subject tend to slip your grasp. You are known for being blunt, honest and truthful.
Venus is in 13 Degrees Scorpio.
Your feelings about others are deep, powerful, intense and complex. When you like someone, you do so totally and obsessively if you do not like someone, they do not exist. Your faithfulness and loyalty to your lover is unquestioned, indeed at times it is too much so -- you get so possessive that you almost smother your partner. At times, your feelings are kept deep within you and, because they are so complex and intense, they frighten you -- this is the way that you try to ignore them. But the more you try to do this, the more explosive things get when you eventually do express them.
Mars is in 06 Degrees Sagittarius.
Your every action is motivated by high moral standards and ideals. You will work very hard to improve the lot of the world at large, but you demand action about it -- you do not like to just sit around and talk about doing it in an abstract manner. You like to be where the real action is. You resist mightily any attempts to limit your freedom and you will assist anyone who feels put down and restricted. You are extremely restless by nature -- physical exercise is very important to you if you would maintain your health.
Jupiter is in 08 Degrees Leo.
You must be proud of all that you do in order to grow and develop. You enjoy being totally honest and aboveboard and you revel in the admiration and respect you receive from others due to your high- minded, upright way of life. Make sure, though, that your natural tendency to boast and show off is based on your actual accomplishments. Don't fall prey to self-exaggeration or arrogance. You truly do like outrageous spectacles and grand jolly times and will go out of your way to make them a reality.
Saturn is in 12 Degrees Virgo.
Your life must be orderly and practical and full of known and familiar routines in order for you to feel comfortable with yourself. Be careful, however, not to let "order" become the be-all and end-all of your life, or you may become cold, crass and unfeeling. Doing useful, practical things boosts your self- esteem. Abstract concepts and reasoning seem frivolous and a waste of time to you. You are very critical of yourself (and others), indeed at times quite self-deprecating. Try to relax a bit and allow yourself the freedom to fail once in a while. However, you probably won't fail very often because you are such a perfectionist.
Uranus is in 16 Degrees Scorpio.
You, and your peer group, demand to confront life at its deepest and most meaningful levels. Very compulsive and obsessive in your approach to everything, you will avoid anything that is casual or superficial, especially when it comes to relationships. You will seek out and explore new methods of healing as well as different ways to deal with deep-seated emotional problems.
Neptune is in 16 Degrees Sagittarius.
You, and your entire generation, are heavily involved in investigating and idealizing foreign and exotic intellectual systems and religious philosophies. The most extreme ideals will be pursued with gusto. You will be at the forefront of humanitarian attempts to improve the lot of those who are in need of assistance. You will be comfortable with the concept of the "global village."
Pluto is in 17 Degrees Libra.
For your entire generation, this is a time of radical changes in society's attitude toward marriage and interpersonal relationships. There is a general fear and awe at the power inherent in making emotional or contractual commitments -- they will not be entered into lightly.
N. Node is in 25 Degrees Virgo.
You're usually quite at ease in leaving leadership roles in the hands of others. You would rather tend to the thousand and one details that need to be accomplished to keep any group going. Although you're very fussy and high-minded when it comes to choosing your associates, once your loyalty is given you can be trusted with many of the practical aspects of any project that is being undertaken. Usually quite unselfish, you will toil long hours in the service of any worthy cause that demands your attention. But be careful that your perfectionist tendencies don't get in the way of making real progress. (In other words, don't waste your time dusting clean shelves!)
Je kunt de klok erop gelijk zetten dat er elke 5 jaar een Nine Inch Nails-album uitkomt:
1989 - Pretty Hate Machine
1994 - The Downward Spiral
1999 - The Fragile
2004 - Breakthrough
Blijkbaar is het al een tijdje bekend dat dit jaar het album Breakthrough uit komt (zie The NIN Hotline en scroll naar het bericht van 2 januari), maar ik wist nog van niets en ben derhalve blij verrast!
Voor de gelegenheid een oude tekst van NIN, van misschien wel het mooiste nummer van de CD die ik nu op heb staan:
The Great Below
Staring at the sea
Will she come?
Is there hope for me
After all is said and done
Anything at any price
All of this for you
All the spoils of a wasted life
All of this for you
All the world has closed her eyes
Tired faith all worn and thin
For all we could have done
And all that could have been
Ocean pulls me close
And whispers in my ear
The destiny I've chose
All becoming clear
The currents have their say
The time is drawing near
Washes me away
Makes me disappear
I descend from grace
In arms of undertow
I will take my place
In the great below
I can still feel you
Even so far away
1989 - Pretty Hate Machine
1994 - The Downward Spiral
1999 - The Fragile
2004 - Breakthrough
Blijkbaar is het al een tijdje bekend dat dit jaar het album Breakthrough uit komt (zie The NIN Hotline en scroll naar het bericht van 2 januari), maar ik wist nog van niets en ben derhalve blij verrast!
Voor de gelegenheid een oude tekst van NIN, van misschien wel het mooiste nummer van de CD die ik nu op heb staan:
The Great Below
Staring at the sea
Will she come?
Is there hope for me
After all is said and done
Anything at any price
All of this for you
All the spoils of a wasted life
All of this for you
All the world has closed her eyes
Tired faith all worn and thin
For all we could have done
And all that could have been
Ocean pulls me close
And whispers in my ear
The destiny I've chose
All becoming clear
The currents have their say
The time is drawing near
Washes me away
Makes me disappear
I descend from grace
In arms of undertow
I will take my place
In the great below
I can still feel you
Even so far away
Good. You know your music. You should be able to
work at Championship Vinyl with Rob, Dick and
Do You Know Your Music (Sorry MTV Generation I Doubt You Can Handle This One)
brought to you by Quizilla
Misschien kun je de doden maar beter met rust kunt laten, maar net als bij zoveel sterren (Kurt Cobain, Elvis Presley, Brian Jones) lijkt ook omtrent de dood van Elliott Smith een mythe te ontstaan. Antimusic en The Smoking Gun vragen zich serieus af of er wel sprake is van zelfmoord en of er misschien niet een fatale rol was weggelegd voor Elliott's vriendin... Waar hebben we dat meer gehoord?
Gisteravond was de house-warming party van een vriend van me. Voor de gelegenheid heb ik maar een verzamelCD in elkaar gedraaid. Na het nodige uitzoekwerk en het maken van onvermijdelijke keuzes kwam ik op het volgende tiental favorieten uit:
1. Massive Attack - Future Proof [5:40]
2. Bjork - I Miss You [4:03]
3. Fischerspooner - Emerge [4:46]
4. Howie B - Hopscotch [5:14]
5. Berg Sans Nipple - A Free [5:59]
6. Ben Christophers - Remote Control [4:54]
7. Fly Pan Am - Nice Est En Feu! [9:35]
8. Mogwai - Summer [3:28]
9. Aereogramme - Untitled [6:32]
10. Sigur Ros - ( ) [11:44]
De CD werd goed ontvangen, dus dit lijkt me een mooi moment om 's door te gaan met de verzamelCD's die ik anderen ook al beloofd had...
1. Massive Attack - Future Proof [5:40]
2. Bjork - I Miss You [4:03]
3. Fischerspooner - Emerge [4:46]
4. Howie B - Hopscotch [5:14]
5. Berg Sans Nipple - A Free [5:59]
6. Ben Christophers - Remote Control [4:54]
7. Fly Pan Am - Nice Est En Feu! [9:35]
8. Mogwai - Summer [3:28]
9. Aereogramme - Untitled [6:32]
10. Sigur Ros - ( ) [11:44]
De CD werd goed ontvangen, dus dit lijkt me een mooi moment om 's door te gaan met de verzamelCD's die ik anderen ook al beloofd had...