Wire interviewt Venetian Snares! Hij beantwoordt ook vragen over het fantastische Rossz Csillag Allat Született, de plaat van 2005 tot nu toe:
"Rossz Csillag Allat Született in English means Born Under A Bad Star I think people will have an idea of what the titles mean by the feeling they get from the songs. A rabbit cannot understand French but a French person can say to a rabbit in their garden, "rabbit, get the fuck out of my garden," in a loud angry tone and the rabbit will understand on some level. That might be a silly example but I think a lot of music and art is beyond language and titles. A piece of music to me could be an expression of true emotion transferred directly from the artist onto the listener. In that case, titles become irrelevant and in the case of Rossz Csillag Allat Született, I do like the fact that language is one step removed."
At 4:32 p.m., rizzx said…
het is een interessant figuur die Funk
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