Unburst Bubbles

"it's a crime i never told you 'bout the diamonds in your eyes"


"Inner flashlight investigatory violin soundsweep, tick-tocking guitar notes & stalactite dripping Black Death cave music: speed of time, history sped up, the plague-constant through atrocious centuries; it's that dramatic: armed forces riding out on ominous percussion, louder chugga-chugga drumming, sonic youth-style casting dank-sweeping nets, drum rolls, full-on percussion for once, a mess of swarming orchestra: the guitars, the violins, the drums; the drums now rampaging tom-tom rolls: there is no way to think of anything other than deployment -- soundtrack for otherworldly fight, not an atari sortie on the TV, not something done with video displays."

Dit komt uit een prachtig verhaal dat Throop Roebling schrijf bij Eyeshot, waar onder andere ook Zadie Smith wel eens wat voor schrijft.